Support de smfgratuit

Réservé aux forums smf officiel => Aide pour nos réalisations => Discussion démarrée par: edi67 le 05 Octobre 2007 à 18:58:19

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: edi67 le 05 Octobre 2007 à 18:58:19
Hi MKC , great MOD as usual

Well i installed your TopicSolved 12.1 in my SMF 1.1.1 board everything is ok but trying to configure the Section i have this error back:

Unknown column 'b.topicSolved' in 'field list'
File: /home2/crazyzonews/www/Sources/ManageTopicSolved2.php
Linea: 214

and also this error:
: Unknown column 'b.topicSolved' in 'field list'

seems miss something in table? please help me merci

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: Marc le 06 Octobre 2007 à 08:42:48
Hi edi67

The version 12.1 is an update of the version 12.
If 12.1 was used as installation of a new mod, it is necessary to uninstall her, to install v12 and then to make its update by the version 12.1.

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: edi67 le 06 Octobre 2007 à 13:12:44
Hi edi67

The version 12.1 is an update of the version 12.
If 12.1 was used as installation of a new mod, it is necessary to uninstall her, to install v12 and then to make its update by the version 12.1.

oh damn sorry Mkc so i need to install v12 before....

where i find it ? i try to search  ;)

please confirm me that is this one:


Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: edi67 le 06 Octobre 2007 à 16:06:38
Weel MKC i installed version 12 and everything seems to work good please tell me which file i need for upgrade to version 12.1


Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: Marc le 06 Octobre 2007 à 16:11:32
For install V12 in english:;topic=67.0;attach=371
For install V12.1 upgrad:;topic=66.0;attach=342

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: edi67 le 06 Octobre 2007 à 17:10:55

Installed upgrade 12.1 in my smf 1.1.1. ( i change only something in package info for install in my version)

Everything is super ok  ;) thx please visit my site for see your BEAUTIFUL mod in action, i have too OLD mod Picture forum view par MkC 6.0  and work like a CHARM

Fanstastic MKC you are the best  ;)

Italian Language  (only one phrase i must again translate)
$txt['TPSolved_1'] = 'Gestisci TopicSolved';
$txt['topicsolved_enable'] = 'Fai questa sezione una \'topic solved\' board';
$txt['topicsolved_desc'] = 'Abilita gli utenti in questa sezione ad accettare o rifiutare le risposte alle loro domande';
$txt['topicsolved_title'] = 'Topic Solved Opzioni';
$txt['topicsolved2_title'] = 'Per configurare le sezioni';
$txt['topicsolvedLockSolved'] = 'Blocca un topic quando è stato segnato come risolto';
$txt['topicsolvedAllowReject'] = 'Abilita gli utenti a rifiutare qualcuno in risposta ad un topic risolto';
$txt['topicsolvedIconAccept'] = 'Icona messaggio sui topics risolti / messaggi';
$txt['topicsolvedIconReject'] = 'Icona messaggio sui messaggi rifiutati';
$txt['topicsolvedIconStarter'] = 'Icona messaggio sui messaggi d\'inizio';
$txt['topicsolvedIconOther'] = 'Icona messaggio sugli altri messaggi di risposta';
$txt['topicsolvedBackgroundEnabled'] = 'Desideri che lo sfondo dei posts sia colorato nei messaggi accettati/rifiutati';
$txt['topicsolvedColorAccept'] = 'Colore di sfondo per i messaggi accettati';
$txt['topicsolvedColorReject'] = 'Colore di sfondo per i messaggi rifiutati';
$txt['topicsolvedColorStarter'] = 'Colore di sfondo per il Topic d\'inizio';
$txt['topicsolved_accept'] = 'Accetta';
$txt['topicsolved_reject'] = 'Rifiuta';
$txt['topicsolved_acceptbut'] = 'Accetta risposta';
$txt['topicsolved_rejectbut'] = 'Rifiuta risposta';
$txt['topicsolvedTextAccept'] = 'Suffisso di Accettazione';
$txt['topicsolvedTextStart'] = 'Suffisso di Risposta e Rifiuto';

$txt['topicsolved_st_image'] = 'Per attivare un indicazione di testo anzichè un icona (usata in alternativa dell\'immagine) ';

$txt['no_valid_parent'] = 'The section %s does not have a valid section relationship. Use the function \'To seek and repare the erreurs\' panel <em>Maintenance of the forum</em> to correct that. ';

$txt['TPS_1'] ='Gestisci TopicSolved';
$txt['TPS_2'] ='Questa parte rende possibile configurare le sezioni dichiarate nel supporto';
$txt['TPS_3'] ='Lista delle sezioni';
$txt['TPS_4'] ='Nome della sezione';
$txt['TPS_5'] ='Attivate?';
$txt['TPS_6'] ='Sezioni di reindirizzamento';
$txt['TPS_7'] ='Modifica della sezione';
$txt['TPS_8'] ='Nome della sezione:';
$txt['TPS_9'] ='Attivazione del supporto ';

$txt['permissiongroup_topicsolved'] = 'Topic Solved';
$txt['permissionhelp_view_topicsolvedAccept'] = 'Autorizza questo gruppo a risolvere o aprire un soggetto in una sezione di supporto';
$txt['permissionname_view_topicsolvedAccept'] = 'Può Risolvere o Aprire un topic';

$txt['alt_modify'] = 'Modifica';

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: Marc le 06 Octobre 2007 à 21:08:17
For mod picture forum view, see for v12.1  :P
Your theme is fun  ;)

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: edi67 le 07 Octobre 2007 à 14:31:01
one question MKC:

1° everything is ok but the SUFFIX [REQUEST] appear in everytopic inside selected section, too in Sticky Topic is possible NOT HAVE stiky Topic with SUFFIX ?

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: Marc le 07 Octobre 2007 à 15:58:42
It is enough to make the parametrage in the administration, on the other hand it manages all the posts, no differentiation with sticky posts unless retouching the theme directly.

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: edi67 le 07 Octobre 2007 à 16:57:29
It is enough to make the parametrage in the administration, on the other hand it manages all the posts, no differentiation with sticky posts unless retouching the theme directly.

so not possible do it?

thx anyway

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: Marc le 07 Octobre 2007 à 17:19:40
It is necessary to give to me the zip of the theme  ;D

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: edi67 le 07 Octobre 2007 à 18:03:43
which theme? i use theme default

you need messageindex.template ? index.template ?
which one tell me

Titre: TOPIC SOLVED 12.1
Posté par: Marc le 16 Novembre 2007 à 08:00:23